Third Sunday donation Drive
Drop-off Time: 10 am–12 pm
You can help St. David's serve the food insecure in our community by participating in our monthly donation drive on the third Sunday of each month from 10 am-12 pm. We collect sandwiches and healthy snacks that are delivered to So Others Might Eat (SOME). It's a wonderful opportunity for adults, families and youth. If you have a young person at home, know that each month we have high school students volunteer to help with sandwich making, flyer distribution, and/or help with collection the day of the drive. This is a fun and easy opportunity to get involved and get volunteer hours.
In addition to preparing sandwiches, you are invited to donate trail mix, fresh fruit (tangerines, applesauce, fruit cups, etc.), or other healthy individually wrapped snacks.
Thank you for supporting this important outreach ministry! Please contact Margaret Johnson or the parish office for more information.
Loaves and Fishes: Hands-On Feeding of the Poor
Welcome to this hands-on ministry! We prepare meals for people experiencing homeless and poverty by volunteering with Loaves and Fishes, a feeding ministry run out of St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church. We meet on the fourth Saturday of each month from 8am to 11am at St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church, located at 1525 Newton St. NW near 16th Street, NW.
The hands-on experience on a Saturday morning in helping to prepare a lunch for those in need in our area is very rewarding. Adults, teenagers and young children (with an adult) are all invited to participate.
Volunteers arrive at 8 am on a Saturday to help begin meal preparation and stay until no later than 11 am preparing and cleaning up. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing.
If you are interested in being part of a team on the fourth Saturday of the month, or have questions about this ministry, please contact our Deacon Harvey Bale or Outreach Committee Chair Margaret Kinsley Johnson.
Share the joy and beauty of
St. David's and God's Creation....
Altar flowers are offered to the greater Glory of God and given in loving memory. It is right and good that they make their way out into the world to continue the work of building up God’s Kingdom. But they need a bit of intentional help from us to be able to do this!
If you would like to be part of the ministry of making someone's day a bit brighter, please sign up to help deliver flowers to folks who are shut-in, sick, recovering, celebrating an event, newcomers, or just in need of some TLC from St. David's.
The flower guild prepares small bouquets every Monday, perfect for delivering with a smile. We hope to create a team large enough that individuals only deliver every 6-8 weeks. Please contact Indra Chalk, Molly Vanden Bosch, or the parish office if you would like to take part.