Lenten Eggs
It has been a Lenten tradition at St. David's, for those parishioners who wish to participate, to take a large plastic "Lenten Egg" home with them during Lent, fill it with a grocery store gift card (s) and joyfully return the filled Lenten eggs to church on Easter Sunday. This year the large plastic eggs will be in a basket near the church entrance beginning Ash Wednesday. Please feel free to take an egg home with you and, during Lent, fill it with a gift card (s) from Giant or Safeway in denominations between $25 and $50. After Easter the grocery gift cards will be delivered to our Outreach partner, the Bishop Walker School, for students whose families are food insecure. Directions will also be inside the eggs. If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Johnson at makj21@yahoo.com.