Welcome to The Season of Lent

Dear People of God,

You are invited, once again, to the observance of a holy Lent by the church. The season of Lent is simply a time set aside to look over where we are, turn back to God and one another in those places that we have strayed, and prepare our hearts once more so that we can enter fully into the transformation events of Jesus Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. May it be a time of intention, prayer and service that leads us all through our own wilderness and into the glory of Christ’s victory.

Your clergy and staff

Worship & Music

Friday Morning Prayer
Fridays at 7 am

Join us every Friday morning at 7 am for a time of prayer and reflection. We will gather to pray the Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer, grounding our day in scripture, thanksgiving, and intercession. Whether you’re a longtime participant or new to this practice, all are welcome to start their morning in the presence of God!  


First Sunday Service
Sunday, April 6th 10:15 am

Our First Sunday service at 10:15 am is a service set aside each month for us all to worship together, with the children and youth of the parish leading us as lectors, ushers, and more.


Celtic Service with Music
Sundays, March 9 and 23 and April 13 at 5:00 pm

Our Celtic service, based on the liturgical traditions of Iona and Northumbria, is a beautiful, candle-lit service which includes intentional silence for meditation and traditional hymns with a more intimate piano accompaniment.


Weekday Lenten Holy Eucharist with Meditation
Wednesdays at noon

Our outdoor noonday (indoor when it rains) service of Holy Eucharist will be a Rite II Lenten Holy Eucharist with Meditation. If you cannot attend but would like us to pray for you or a loved one, please send your prayer request to Kristen.


Saturday Night Evening Prayer & Holy Happy Hour

Saturdays, March 8 at 4:00 pm, March 15, 22, and 29, and April 5 and 12 at 5:00 pm

Join us outdoors for weekly Evening Prayer, following the church’s Lenten propers and daily office readings. Stay after for drinks, snacks, and fellowship as we welcome the Sabbath and Resurrection time.

Service & Outreach Opportunities

Lenten Eggs

Parishioners are invited to take a large plastic “Lenten Egg” home during Lent. You will find the eggs near the church entrance beginning Ash Wednesday. This Lent, we’re raising funds for interactive digital whiteboards for four classrooms at Bishop Walker School, a tuition-free Episcopal school for boys’ school in Ward 8. Join us in supporting its mission to inspire learning, curiosity, and strong moral character in its students.

DONATE ONLINE HERE to the Lenten Eggs initiative for Bishop Walker School


Third Sunday Donation Drive
March 16 and April 10, 10 am – 12 pm

Please help us feed the food insecure in our community by donating homemade sandwiches, fresh fruit, or healthy individually-wrapped snacks for So Others Might Eat (SOME).


Volunteering with Loaves and Fishes
Sunday, March 22nd 8 am - 10 am

Every fourth Saturday morning, parishioners (including youth) will have the opportunity to help prepare and serve meals for our homeless neighbors at St. Stephen & the Incarnation (1525 Newton St. NW). To help, contact Deacon Harvey (harvey@stdavidsdc.org).

Formation Opportunities
for All Ages

Lenten Small Group Dinners

This year we will be trying something new during Lent. We have a few parishioners who have agreed to host 2 dinners for a small group during the season of Lent. Each host will choose two dates, guests will bring dishes and fellowship and good conversation will ensue.

Sign up for Lenten Dinners here!


Fasting During Lent: A Spiritual Practice
Mondays at 6 pm, beginning March 3

Join us to explore the history, scripture, and health benefits of fasting. Whether you’re new or experienced, all are welcome! A gradual program is available for those looking to build their “fasting muscles.” Meetings are on Mondays at 6 pm throughout Lent, in person or via Zoom.

RSVP to kristen@stdavidsdc.org.


Adult & Youth Foundations Inquirer’s Classes
Sundays, 6-7:30 pm, March 2, March 16, March 30, April 13* (*Adults only—youth will be doing work on their own this week), April 27

Join our Adult & Youth Foundations Classes this Lent to explore Confirmation, Reception, or your faith! Led by our clergy, these five-week courses cover church, scripture, worship, and Episcopal identity. We’ll meet after the 5 pm Sunday service for dinner and group discussions. Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation will be on Saturday, May 10 at the Cathedral.

Contact kristen@stdavidsdc.org to sign up!


Lenten Half-Day Retreat
Saturday, April 12, 9 am - 1 pm

Between 1958 and 1966, abstract expressionist Barnett Newman painted The Stations of the Cross: Lema Sabachtani, a powerful response to the moral crisis artists faced after WWII and the Holocaust. Just before Palm Sunday, this half-day retreat includes personal and group reflection and a visit to the National Gallery’s East Building to view the paintings.

Space is limited—register with jim@stdavidsdc.org.


Youth Pilgrimage
Saturday, April 5, 10 am

This Lent, the youth of St. David’s are invited to pilgrimage to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. As we reflect on the season’s call to repentance, we will engage with stories of resilience, suffering, and hope that illuminate the ongoing work of racial justice and reparation.

Please email daniel@stdavidsdc.org to register interest.


Mite Boxes

Mite boxes, inspired by “widow’s mite” (Mark 12:41-43) encourage giving through small change. This Lent, St. David’s invites all to collect coins in a mite box for Bishop Walker School. Boxes are available in the Sunday school classroom and at church entrances. Keep yours in a visible spot to gather tokens of generosity. Small gifts add up—just as the widow’s offering did. Return mite boxes on Easter Sunday or the following week.


God Is Still With Us Family Resource

God Is Still With Us: An Illustrated Lent for Families offers weekly devotionals, coloring pages, and activities to help families grow in faith together. Explore gospel passages showing Jesus’ love for outsiders and be reminded that God is still with us. Available in the Sunday School classroom and parish office throughout Lent.


Family Night
Thursday, March 13 and Thursday, April 10 at 6 pm

All are invited to Family Nights for dinner, fellowship, and Children’s Choir rehearsal. The children will sing the anthem at the First Sunday service. We’ll wrap up the evening with Compline at 7 pm.