Christmas Eve Candlelight Festive Choral Eucharist
with Children’s Homily, December 24, 4:00 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Festive Choral Eucharist, December 24, 10:00 pm
Christmas Day Festive Choral Eucharist, December 25, 11 am
Christmas Eve and Christmas Services
Holiday Flower Donations
The greens and flowers that decorate St. David's during Advent and Christmas bring seasonal beauty to our worship during this joyous time of year. We invite parishioners to participate in this effort by funding the decorations through memorial donations. A memorial list will be published in the Christmas service bulletin. The recommended donation is $40.00, although any amount is accepted. You may use the form linked here to submit your request electronically or use the form in the back of the Sunday bulletin. Please submit your request with your payment by Sunday, December 18. Checks should be made out to St. David's Episcopal Church with the note "greens/flowers" in the memo line.
Please note that the Christmas flowers and greens remain in the church through the Christmas season. The poinsettia plants will then be brought to parishioners who are ill or housebound. If you know of someone who should receive a plant, please pass his/her name to Alex Shockey or Grace Kreher, Director of Operations.
God Speaks
Poetry, Audre Lorde tells us, names ‘the nameless so it can be thought.’ This Advent season, join Sarah in an exploration of four Poetry Unbound episodes, a podcast curated by Irish poet and modern theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama. We will meet weekly in person on the Tuesdays of Advent at 7pm at St. David’s (in the undercroft) to listen and reflect on how poetry and scripture speak our own nameless prayers. No preparation necessary, just an open heart and mind to hear that indeed, God speaks to us here and now. Attend all four classes or just one or two; however RSVP’s to Sarah are appreciated.
Advent Reading Suggestions
-Watch for the Light, Readings for Advent and Christmas
-All I Really Want for Christmas, by Quinn G. Caldwell
-Run Shepherds Run, Poems for Advent and Christmas, by L William Countryman
-The Giving Box, Create a Tradition of Giving with Your Children, by Fred Rogers
-Faithful Families for Advent and Christmas, 100 Ways to Make the Season Sacred, by Traci Smith